Data Science & Business Intelligence
Data Warehouse Development
Data warehouses for reporting, big data storage and data science outcomes is our speciality. Every enterprise has the need for a best practice data warehouse. Instead of proceeding down this path, many organisations stick with be-spoke and add-hoc reporting regimes where complexity equates to risk. EAG can eliminate the risk by designing and implementing a world class data warehouse and reporting / business intelligence environment.
Product selection
Can't decide between Business Intelligence or Data Science tools? Which one to buy? If so, EAG can provide the process and rigour you need. Conducting a formal, scientific and structured selection process to fulfill your data science, warehouse and BI reporting requirements is simply good governance. Not every organisation has the skill or the time to run these types of governance processes in house. Independent and without bias. That's the EAG way.
Environment development
Once the architecture is in place, who develops what? EAG can not only create the environment for your BI or Data Science needs, but also develop the full reporting suite (Executive, Strategic and Operational), including dashboards, based upon your specific requirements.
Requirements Analysis
EAG Analysts will run workshops, glean requirements, document the agreed deliverables, liaise with the developers and produce the business outcomes you are looking for. A smooth and rewarding process that transforms Information into Knowledge, at the finger tips of Board Members, Executives and Operational staff.